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Zambia has exceptional National Parks that afford the visitor unique and safe experiences. The lodges and guest services are as good as you will find anywhere in Africa. As a result, the traveler is more a part of the experience rather than simply an observer. What’s more, all three of the major parks are serviced by small aircraft.
In South Luangwa you will find the “Big Five” and the amazing Chichele Lodge, formerly the retreat of our first President, Kenneth Kaunda. The Luangwa River is a major tributary of the Zambezi. You’ll encounter big crocodiles and very small elephants – the smallest on the continent.

Then there is Kafue National Park in the central region - renowned for its prolific bird life and huge diversity of wildlife living on the vast plains. Kafue is the largest park in Zambia and the wildest - virtually unspoiled. Kafue is ideal for the real adventure seekers.
The Lower Zambezi National Park lies on the northern bank of the Zambezi River. Great canoe safaris (including multi-day canoeing) and fishing to add to the fun. Huge herds of buffalo and elephant are common. The river teems with hippos and crocodiles. As with all our national parks, you’ll find excellent accommodations.
This land-locked country of 10.8 million people is bordered by the Congo on the north; Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique on the east; Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia on the south; and Angola on the west. With an area of 753 thousand km (290,000 mi ), Zambia is the 38th largest country in the world and about the same size as the Eurasian country of Turkey or the U.S. state of Texas plus West Virginia. The capital and largest city is Lusaka (1.7 million).
The British settlers began arriving by 1800, but it was in 1857 when the famous Dr. David Livingstone arrived that Zambia became known to the world. Livingstone was the first European to witness the miracle of Mosi-oa-Tunya, which the English would rename Victoria Falls. The land became Northern Rhodesia in 1911. Zambia became an independent country within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1964. The government of Zambia is one of the most politically stable in Africa and has long been a peacekeeping and stabilizing force in the region.
The official language is English, but there are seven major ethnic groups plus more than 70 sub-groups, each with its own language. The unit of currency is the Zambian Kwacha. Per capita GDP is €1,350 (US$1,600). Major religions include: Christianity, 60-75% percent, (although many also adhere to some aspect of their tribal religions) Hinduism, 20% and about 1% Buddhism, Islam, Baha'i and Confucianism.
Zambia has been one of Africa’s success stories. While still economically a poor country, Zambia is doing a lot of things right. It has sustained annual GDP growth. Agriculture, tourism, construction, manufacturing and mining are on the rise.